Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Parks in Uttar Pradesh
600 MW UMREPP at Jhansi
MNRE has accorded in-principle approval to M/s TUSCO Ltd. for setting up 600 MW UMREPP at Tehsil Garautha in District Jhansi on 13.10.2020. The foundation stone for Jhansi Solar Park was laid by Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi on 19.11.2021. The land requirement for Jhansi Solar Park is 2700 acres (approx.) and the area of land spreads across 8 villages namely Sujanpura, Jalalpura, Jaswantpura, Nadaura, Bararu, Pura, Khadaura and Moti Katra. The Total land acquired for the project is 2604.28 acres (Pvt. land: 2340.51 acres & Govt. land: 263.77 acres). The land for the solar project is being acquired on lease basis for 30 years. Fencing of 45 km has been completed so far. Work of Internal Power Evacuation System (02 Nos. 33/220 kV Substations and associated transmission lines) is being implementing by PGCIL and work is under progress. Work for construction of 220/400 kV Grid Substation (GSS) at Garautha,Jhansi has been awarded by UPPTCL to M/s KPTL Noida & work is under progress. Jhansi Solar Park is expected to be commissioned by Dec 2025.
TUSCO Ltd. has invited the online bids for the selection of SPDs on 22.08.2024 to set up 600 MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects on a Build Own Operate basis in Jhansi Solar Park.

600 MW UMREPP at Lalitpur
MNRE has accorded in-principle approval to M/s TUSCO Ltd. for setting up 600 MW UMREPP at Tehsil Talbehat in District Lalitpur on 13.10.2020. The foundation stone for Lalitpur Solar Park was laid by Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi on 04.03.2024. The land requirement for Lalitpur Solar Park is 2700 acres (approx.) and the area of land spreads across the 9 villages namely Jharar, Kadesara Kalan, Barama Bihar, Shahpur, Sarkhadi, Pawa, Piprai, Talbehat Andar (Khandi) and Gevra-Gundera. The Total land acquired for the project is approx. 2341.14 acres (Pvt. land: 1023.34 acres & Govt. land: 1317.80 acres). The land for the solar project is being acquired on lease basis for 30 years. Fencing work is under progress. Internal Power Evacuation System consists of 02 Nos. 33/220 kV Substations and 220 kV transmission lines is proposed to be constructed by TUSCO. Work for construction of 220/400/765 kV Grid Substation (GSS) at Talbehat, Lalitpur has been awarded by UPPTCL to M/s KPTL Noida & work is under progress. Lalitpur Solar Park is expected to be commissioned by Dec 2025.
600 MW Lalitpur Solar Power Project is being implemented by THDC India Limited under EPC mode as Solar Project Developer (SPD).

800 MW UMREPP at Chitrakoot
.MNRE has accorded in-principle approval to M/s TUSCO Ltd. for setting up 800 MW UMREPP at Tehsil Mau in District Chitrakoot on 18.08.2021. The foundation stone for Lalitpur Solar Park was laid by Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi on 18.12.2023. The land requirement for Chitrakoot Solar Park is 3600 acres (approx.), and the area of land spreads across the 15 villages namely Kharagdah, Chhataini Mafi, Manka Chhataini, Gahur, Kotwa Mafi, Dondiya Mafi, Kataiya Dandi, Chharehara and Chachokhar, Usri Mafi, Bargrh, Atari Majara, Goiya Kalan, Goiya Khurd & Semra. The Total land acquired for the project is approx. 3175.02 acres (Pvt. land: 1925.52 acres & Govt. land: 1249.50 acres). The land for the solar project is being acquired on lease basis for 30 years. Internal Power Evacuation System consists of 02 Nos. 33/220 kV Substations and 220 kV transmission lines is proposed to be constructed by TUSCO. Land for Grid substations (GSS) construction has been handed over to UPPTCL by TUSCO & work is yet to be awarded by UPPTCL. Chitrakoot Solar Park is expected to be commissioned by Dec 2025.
800 MW Chitrakoot Solar Power Project is being implemented by THDC India Limited under EPC mode as Solar Project Developer (SPD).